#SmartHomeRevolution - My Life And Gadget
Before 30 years when someone say that we able to control our home in just one click but by hearing this most of the people use to laugh on him but at the present time situation is fully opposite and different . The evolution of gadget is not less than a magic . In this post I going to tell a story by which I able to express that how smart gadgets change my life so let's begin , After I get back from school I take the television remote in my hand and start watching Doraemon this because I love the episode of that the best part which I like is how Doraemon change a simple house into a smart house . After some days I got to know that the founder of Facebook change their house into a smart house with the help of AI( artificial intelligence ) I really never expect that can this type of thing became true . After I passed 9th standard my mother gifted me a Google home . Day by day I start loving that because smart gadgets are better than a true friend because a true frie...